The changing landscape of agricultural markets and trade

Trade plays a crucial role in delivering food and clothing to consumers worldwide. It helps to provide greater choice in consumer goods, and has played a role in reducing food insecurity across the globe.

Our Products

it’s becoming ‘global’. The food and clothing that consumers find in their local stores are increasingly made from a wider range of products, produced in a wider range of locations across the globe.


This quarterly report includes data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in livestock and poultry. Covers beef and veal, cattle, pork, swine, chicken meat and turkey meat.


The Crop Protection Sector supports Members interests by lobbying and supplying information on technical, transport and storage issues as well as other initiatives.

Edible forestry products

The purpose is to achieve more effective field assessments by providing information necessary to define sustainability. Species-specific performance indicators, verifiers, and other guidance documents will be required for globally traded NWFPs.


Since 2008 we have built a reputation for transparency and integrity. We work with companies around the world to discover the market based reference prices for dairy and create new trading opportunities.

Fish farming

Globally, fish is a valuable traded commodity, representing a significant source of foreign exchange earnings, in addition to its important contributions to employment creation, income generation and food security.

Miscellaneous ag products

This category offers a wide range of service and product providers to the agricultural community.

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The greatest benefits from reform

Landscape of Agricultural

Trade and domestic support

constrain trade and further integration

While international agro-food markets have evolved, most countries continue to provide support and impose barriers through measures that distort trade and limit the benefits that international agro-food markets can deliver for consumers.